| 1. | This form is used to create new customer records 此表单用于建立新的客户记录。 |
| 2. | The following example creates a new customer record in the 下面的示例通过将 |
| 3. | Is a foreign key pointing to a customer record in the 是一个外键,指向 |
| 4. | The edit customer form is used to create new customer records Edit customer表单用于建立新的客户记录。 |
| 5. | Object specifying that order records are related to customer records by the 字段使订单记录与客户记录相关。 |
| 6. | Press f5 to run the application . double - click a customer record in 在“ form1 ”中双击一个客户记录以打开包含该客户的订单的“ form2 ” 。 |
| 7. | The customerid is a foreign key pointing to a customer record in the customers table 而customerid是一个指向customers表中的客户记录的外键。 |
| 8. | Performs a fuzzy lookup to identify customer records that are fuzzy matches of existing customer records )执行模糊查找来标识出与现有客户模糊匹配的客户。 |
| 9. | Sales rep : " please tell me how you now handle the storage and security of your customer records . 销售员:请告诉我,您现在是如何保存和保密您的客户档案的。 |
| 10. | For example , by comparing addresses in customer records you may identify a number of duplicate customers 例如,通过比较客户记录中的地址可以识别许多重复的客户。 |